433 Glotfelty Lane
Acciddent, MD 21520
MHIC# 75054
H & J Masonry was started in
1993. We are a full service residential and commercial masonry company. Our
highly skilled crew is capable of providing all phases of masonry
construction from footings to brick or stone finish.
Please click on the above links
to view descriptions of recently completed projects in the Garrett
County-Deep Creek Lake area. A listing of related businesses is also
provided for retail suppliers as well as carpenters and designers for your
building projects.
Our e-mail address is
hglotfelty@verizon.net. Please write to us for more information or
scheduling of jobs.

Company Profile
Hi, I'm Harry Glotfelty, owner
of H&J Masonry. I have lived and worked in the Garrett County- Deep Creek
Lake area all my life. After completing High School in 1969, I went to work
for my uncle, Clarence Glass, as a masonry apprentice.
After working with him for 24
years and upon his retirement, I took over the business. It has been my goal
to follow in his footsteps in providing quality masonry work at a reasonable
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